The entire panorama of fattening you up and slimming you down, owned by conglomerates which have analysed every angle and money-making opportunity. The very food firms charged with making us fats in the first place are actually additionally earning money from the obesity epidemic. Row upon row of low-fats, mild, lean, food regimen, zero, low-carb, low-cal, sugar-free, “healthy” options, marketed to the very people made fat by the earlier aisle and now desperate to shed weight. We consider obesity and weight-reduction plan as polar opposites, but actually, there is a deep, symbiotic relationship between the two. Walls of highly calorific, intensely processed food, tweaked by chemical substances for maximum “mouth really feel” and “repeat appeal” .
The report painted an apocalyptic picture of obesity going off the dimensions across the globe. The author of the report was one of the world’s leading weight problems experts, Professor Philip James, who, having …